Buckeye Youth League Families!!! It is time to finalize our count for the Night at the Races fundraiser that is being held at St. Marten's Church on Friday April 8th. We are hoping you can attend since it has been 2 YEARS without fun community date nights like these!! The tickets are $35/ person-which includes Lager Heads BBQ dinner and side dishes, beer and wine, 11 horse races, more than 25 different raffle basket to win, 50/50 softball raffle, side boards, a silent auction, booze and wine baskets, and most importantly a super fun time with other baseball families and friends. The night is open to anyone you want to invite not just baseball families. Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, Neighbors, bring them all! It really is a fun night- if you have never been you need to check it out and if you have attended before please spread the word so no one misses out! Bring a group!!We are hoping each team can be represented by 8-10 people if not more. The team that has the most guests at NATR will be rewarded with their choice of a free team banner to put on your dugout or 1 hour free indoor practice at Medina Sports Training Center, 879 South Progress Drive, Unit K, Medina, OH 44256. So Coaches get your parents to help support our youth league and win a prize for your team.To buy tickets you can log into the youth league website and purchase tickets by credit card. To pay cash, check or venmo contact Dusty Metter at [email protected]The last day to buy tickets will be March 27th so get yours now! Thank you for supporting our youth program and we look forward to starting off the season with this great Fundraiser. Please see the attached flyer and if you have any questions please reach out to the board.